Plan Design & Compliance
In the world of retirement plans, only one thing seems certain: change is constant. Over the last decade, Congress has burdened plan sponsors with an overwhelming volume of legislation, making continual review of retirement plans essential. It is critical that the legal, compliance and design aspects of a plan are current.
While legislation dictates uniformity for certain plan features, recent changes in law are aimed at increasing employee participation and restoring some of the incentives and benefits previously lost by plan sponsors.
We will review the design and operational features of your company's plan, from an unbiased perspective, focusing on:
- Increased employee deferral limits and employee tax credit incentives
- Increased employer plan contribution deduction limits
- The relationship between loan incidence and plan participation
- Tiered and Age-Weighted discretionary contribution formulas
- Online participant access for account balance inquiry and changes
- Key personnel Internet access to plan and participant data
- Paperless enrollment
- Electronic transmittal of payroll, loan and distribution transactions
- Automatic enrollment/negative election
- Controlled Group plan set-up and design alternatives
- Optimum frequency and educational content of employee communications
- Complying with 404(c) investment guidelines and requirements
- Management of the conversion/transition process